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Instructions for using hand signals when going on a Tour

Instructions for using hand signals when going on a Tour

“Go backpacking” is a phrase that is no longer strange to those who love experiences and freedom. Traveling in groups/groups often has a large number of participants, traveling together on a route with many motorbikes at the same time can cause many unforeseen accidents, so it is more convenient to warn danger or obstacles ahead, backpackers often signal to each other through 16 basic hand movements, SP Connect will guide you right below, let's save the "secret" for you!

LEFT LEFT: To let the group know you are turning left, signal by extending your left arm straight out with palm down.

RIGHT RIGHT: To let the team know you're turning right, bend your elbows 90 degrees, then make a fist and point your arms up toward the sky to complete the signal.

STOP: When the leader of the group makes a stop signal, it causes a chain reaction that goes back to the last rider in the group. Create a signal by bending your arms 90 degrees, keeping your palms open, and pointing your fingers down the road.

SPEED: Use it to tell the rest of the team to match your speed by increasing their speed. Extend your arms and rotate your palms up to give the signal.

DECREASE SPEED: This signal is useful because the motorcycle generates strong engine braking, which does not activate the rear brake light. Extend your arms and point your palms down the road to tell everyone in the group to slow down.

FOLLOW ME - FOLLOW ME: Used to announce a new group leader, usually self-appointing or dividing a large group into a smaller group. Create a signal by extending your arms forward at your shoulders with your palms facing out.

CLAIM REQUIREMENTS: Left palm facing up, hand raised slightly upward several times. When you see this signal, carefully look behind and slowly pass above.

HAVE OBSTACTIONS: When you encounter an obstacle on the road, you will see the leader doing the following signs: slightly raise your right foot (if the obstacle is on the right) and point your left hand to the left (if the obstacle is on the right side) object on the left).

RUNNING ONE LINE ONLY: Performed by raising the index finger high and pointing to the sky so that the members control the vehicle in a vertical line.

RUNNING 2 LINES: Simply bring your left arm up and point to the sky at the same time with your index and middle fingers so that the members control the vehicle in double rows.

STOP STOP: Point your arms to the left and make your fists, then do short swings up and down – like shaking a can of paint.

STOP EATING: Often used to warn the group to stop at a gas station or restaurant, how to do it by pointing your left index finger and pointing towards your mouth (or in front of your helmet) to remind members of the side. after.

ON SIGNALS: this gesture is like blinking, to do it you use your left hand, alternating between extending your fingers and clenching your fist.

PUT TO THE DRIVE AND STOP: This signal is intended to indicate to the rest of the group to exit the freeway, either immediately or at the next exit. Make a very quick warning by pointing your left index finger to the sky and waving your arm in the direction of the curb, repeatedly when the rest of the members understand.

FRONT POLICE: do a pat on the top of your helmet with the palm of your left hand. This warning reminds the rear members to drive legally and pay attention to traffic safety issues.

FUELING: When you are on a group tour, you can signal to communicate that you need to refuel your vehicle or that there is a gas station in front of you. Do it by pointing at your gas tank with your left index finger.

We know that, with modern technology, there are many other ways to warn or signal other members of the group when traveling such as: phone communication, bluetooth headset, walkie talkie wireless ... however, the way to signal by hand movements is used by many backpackers mainly because of convenience, safety and absolutely no cost of equipment.

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