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Latest updates from SwitchBot HUB 2

Latest updates from SwitchBot HUB 2

To achieve compatibility with Matter , SwitchBot has continuously improved and upgraded devices to make it easier for users to shop and experience smart home products.

Update of Switchbot HUB 2 - Matter

Up to now, Matter support has been added by SwitchBot for smart curtain control devices SwitchBot Curtain, Blind Tilt and smart locks SwitchBot Lock. However, SwitchBot realized this was not enough after receiving user requests and reviews that SwitchBot Hub 2 could still be better!

  • “I also want it to work with the SwitchBot Bot switch.”
  • "I can't operate infrared via SwitchBot Hub 2 using the Apple Homekit app"
  • “Is it possible to operate all open/close sensors through the Home App?”
  • “Is the SwitchBot IR Blaster Hub compatible with Apple HomeKit?”

That's right, SwitchBot is proud to say we did it, allowing SwitchBot to reintroduce the Hub 2 - an intuitive smart home hub that better supports Matter along with the ability to control infrared devices. Universal for Matter. From now on, you can control most of your SwitchBot products directly in the Home app !

Support Better Matter

There are currently up to 6 upgraded Matter-enabled Switchbot Bluetooth products: SwitchBot Bot smart switch, SwitchBot Motion Sensor and SwitchBot Contact Sensor, which will now work together to support Matter. via SwitchBot Hub 2.

Lying in bed and realizing you forgot to turn off the light? Just touch for quick control.

A simple way to control old switches and make them smarter,SwitchBot Bot can now be controlled with the Apple HomeKit app through Hub 2 support. This means, if you've fallen asleep At night and forget to turn off the lights, you can slide down the control center on your iPhone and click SwitchBot Bot to turn off the lights remotely. Of course, if you like to wake up early in the morning, you can also set the lights to turn on at 7am to wake you up!

In addition, the SwitchBot Bot smart switch acts as a smart finger that helps you upgrade old devices to become smarter, which means you can use the Home App to control any device. throughout your home.

For example: garage door, computer switch, fan, central air conditioner control panel, washing machine, water heater switch, etc.

Starting today, you can use the Home App to control everything!

So say goodbye to constantly forgetting to turn off the lights or air conditioning when leaving the house.

It seems like every day you're faced with the question of whether or not you actually remembered to turn off the air conditioning at home. Or maybe, you always forget to turn off the lights at home.

Update of Switchbot HUB 2 - Matter and HomeKit

Now you can use Apple's Home app to set up scenarios like leaving the house and use the SwitchBot Contact Sensor via Apple HomeKit so that when you open the door and leave, the lights can automatically turn off, the curtains can turn off, and the lights can automatically turn off. is pulled and the air conditioning is turned off, all automated according to your setup scenario.

Going to the bathroom at night in the pitch black? Don't worry about it now!

Remember the feeling of insecurity and fear when going to the bathroom at night in the darkness that covers your room, the feeling of running both hands along the wall along the path, groping and finally reaching it. switch. Have you ever exclaimed that if only we could walk into our bathrooms in gentle light without the noise. Now you can use Motion Sensors with SwitchBot Bot in Apple HomeKit to easily set up automation of turning toilet lights on and off.

Update of Switchbot HUB 2 - Matter and lights

For example, between 10pm and 2am, if someone is detected in the hallway, your bathroom light can automatically turn on and help light your way, what a convenience!

Of course, transferring this scene to the living room can also be considered a safety measure for you to protect your home. The SwitchBot motion sensor can help you monitor the status of your home in real time. If someone arrives at a certain time, the lights can automatically turn on and the Homepod Mini will sound an alarm to scare away intruders.

Better support for infrared remote control via Matter

Hub 2 now not only supports the on/off function of IR devices via Matter, but also supports more remote controls to help you control your devices better.

Want to monitor the temperature in your home? Control air conditioning directly through the Home application. Oh yes!

Thanks to the Hub 2's temperature and humidity sensors, any air conditioner/thermostat added to the Home app is different from other manufacturers' smart remote control features. It will not display the ambient temperature at that time which is 0 degrees Celsius but will display the ambient temperature in real time.

Update Switchbot Hub 2 - Air conditioner control

Thus, you can adjust the temperature by viewing the ambient temperature in the Home app. For example, when the ambient temperature reaches 30 degrees Celsius, you can choose to adjust the air conditioner temperature to 22 degrees Celsius to cool down quickly without worrying about how many degrees you need to adjust the air conditioner temperature. .

If its IR signal can be learned via Hub 2 then it can be added to the Home app!

Any infrared device added via Smart Learning mode by Switchbot HUB 2 can be controlled directly through the Home app, regardless of whether it is a TV, fan or light.

Switchbot Hub 2 Update - Home App

Correct! Now imagine how much fun it would be to use your iPhone, iPad, iWatch or Homepod Mini to control all the old infrared devices in your home!

frequently asked Questions

1. What hardware do I need to use Matter?

    You'll need the Hub 2, other Bluetooth devices, and a third-party hub like the Homepod Mini or Google Nest Hub.

    2. Which version of Hub 2 can use this application?

    Make sure you are using SwitchBot app version 7.4 or higher, Hub 2 should use firmware version 1.0-0.9.

    Other devices should use the following (or newer) firmware versions:

    • SwitchBot Curtain: 4.6
    • Bot SwitchBot: 6.4
    • SwitchBot Key: 5.8

    3. How many SwitchBot devices can I add to the Home app using Matter?

    You can add a total of 8 devices, this is made up of 6 SwitchBot devices, as well as the Hub 2's built-in temperature and humidity sensing functions.

    4. How will SwitchBot Bot's button mode be displayed via the Home app?

      It will appear as a light switch screen.

      5. Why doesn't my air conditioner support the dehumidifying function?

        Those types of devices do not support this feature.

        6. Why can infrared devices outside the air conditioner only turn on/off?

          Matter does not support this feature.

          7. Why is the Contact Sensor SwitchBot's Motion function not synchronized with its button?

            Support for this will be added in later iterations once supported by Matter itself.

            8. Why are infrared devices like TVs and lights added as Outlet Icons in the Home app?

              Because there is no clear corresponding device type for devices added via Matter, only the outlet type for those devices can currently be used to support on/off control.

              9. Which infrared devices can be controlled with HomeKit through Hub 2?

                Infrared devices can be controlled through both Smart Learning and manual setup can be controlled through the Home app.

                10. Do any infrared-controlled air conditioners set via the Home app's user interface jump randomly?

                  The Homepod Mini 16.5 does not have this problem, however the Homepod 16.6 may experience cooling and heating mode switching, which may be faulty. This may need to be tried several times. During testing, we became aware of compatibility issues with Apple Home's Matter, and we are actively providing feedback to Apple to find a solution. We also tested with Google Home and did not find the same issue.

                  And so we continue to work towards a better Matter experience.

                  Constantly trying to develop to pursue the goal of helping customers upgrade their homes to become smart in the simplest way, SwitchBot promises to always improve itself and become the best version in the future. hybrid. Let SwitchBot be your companion!

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